
We promote education through professional development and mentorship in marginalized schools, healthcare centers, and communities around the world.


Teacher to Teacher

Strengthening resource-limited schools around the world through teacher collaboration and professional development.

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Doctor to Doctor

Strengthening healthcare in resource-limited communities around the world through professional partnerships and training. 


The work we do has an impact on communities across the globe. Whether it’s distributing resources, hosting professional development workshops, or working with local governments, your donations are what make it all possible. 


Your donation helps us fulfill our mission of supporting and strengthening healthcare and education around the world.

COVID-19 Statement

Right now, life is uncertain. It’s made us all take a moment to pause and think of new ways of doing nearly everything—but especially how we care for one another, even if we aren’t face to face. For Mission Equip, this care includes supporting our partners around the world with sensitivity and an open mind as they navigate the unknown. Though we will not be together in person for the foreseeable future, we still stand united in our efforts to make education a priority.