Teacher to Teacher

We connect teachers in underserved communities with
educational resources to help equip and empower students
across the globe.

Education is the key to breaking the patterns that drive poverty. That’s why we created our Teacher to Teacher Project: to supply teachers and administrators in marginalized community schools with the proper tools and resources they need to teach their students and guide them towards a brighter future out of poverty.

Our Progress


Two Years of Connections

The Teacher to Teacher Project has been working with schools in the Maya Mopan and Red Bank villages of central Belize for over two years. In this time, over 50 educators and administrators from these areas have attended our Teacher to Teacher conferences.


50+ Comprehensive Workshops

15 American teachers and administrators have gone to Belize to lead over 50 professional development workshops for local educators with topics ranging from literacy strategies and differentiated learning methods to interactive writing and arts integration. 

Accredited Training Sessions

Through a partnership with the Belize national teachers accrediting agency, TEDS, teachers and administrators across the country are able to receive certification credits for completing any Teacher to Teacher in- person or online workshop.


Impacting More Lives

In 2020, we developed a new partnership with schools in the Spanish Lookout area of the Cayo District, expanding our support from 3 schools to 11.


Growing Tech Capabilities

We’re expanding our connections through an online Google Classroom, which will enable teachers throughout Belize to earn their teaching accreditation hours. Having a collection of targeted online courses will allow teachers to overcome the socio-economic barriers that limit the possibilities of furthering their education.

Who We Help



Students do well when their teachers are equipped to support their academic, social and emotional needs. Through ongoing training, support and collaboration, our approach to teaching and learning can be a reality even in marginalized school communities. 



Creating change in any community starts with teachers. Through real-time lesson modeling, in-class coaching, interactive collaborative learning, and online workshops, the Teacher to Teacher Project helps educators grow and refine their teaching practices so they feel empowered to challenge and inspire their students. 



Administrators want their teachers and students to thrive—but in schools with limited resources, they face barriers that impede progress. Through improvement plans, action plans, and professional development tailored to the needs of individual schools and districts, Teacher to Teacher’s collaborative process supports and empowers each administrator to set their schools up for success.


“We were offered professional
training to become better teachers
and leaders and we received
much needed resources to help our
students learn.”

-Ewart Caballero, Principal
Buena Vista Primary School, Belize


Get Involved

If you are an experienced K-8 teacher or administrator interested in developing cross-cultural partnerships with your colleagues around the world, consider joining one of our virtual or in-person teaching teams. For more information on the application process and current needs, contact Jaime Woltz, Project Coordinator at jaime@mission-equip.com 


What we have accomplished:

  • Established a partnership with the Belizean teacher accreditation agency, TEDS and office of the General Manager of Primary Schools to work towards common goals of teacher support.  

  • Distributed over 2,500 lbs. of teaching resources to Belizean teachers.

  • Formed a private Google Classroom for all partner teachers and administrators to collaborate, connect, and participate in accredited online workshops.

  • Presented over 50 accredited professional development workshops for teachers and administrators in Belize.

  • Improved the quality of teaching for more than 1,500 students through teacher development.

  • Partnered with 11 Belizean primary schools representing the Stann Creek and Cayo districts of Belize.